Town Planners|Consulting Surveyors
Brisbane City Council Accredited Consultant for RiskSmart Development Services

Responsibilities of Consulting Land Surveyors

Protractors, squares, and tape measures work fine for small and medium projects. But what if you are planning to build something big like a road, dam, or subdivision? This is where you’ll need help from land surveyors.
A land surveyor is among the world’s oldest professions. This profession dates back to the beginning of civilization and has certainly played a key role in the development of today’s society.
When working on a construction project, consulting land surveyors will perform a range of mathematical measurements to collect the necessary information to complete a detailed report and map of the land. They are tasked to map out distances, heights, slopes and features which will allow architects and builders to design, develop, and build on the site.
Looking to improve your property with the help of land surveying and town planning services? Read on to find out what a land surveyor does to better your space.
What Is a Land Surveyor?
Did you ever walk past a person in a hard hat with a tripod and strange-looking stick standing by the side of a road or property? If yes, you are probably curious about what that person was doing. Well, wonder no more. That person was most likely a land surveyor.
Land surveyors use advanced equipment and mathematics to create maps and measurements of the land. They work in various industries such as government agencies, construction companies, architectural and engineering firms, and utility services.
Duties of a Land Surveyor
The role of a land surveyor is more than measuring land areas. They are also tasked to:
Create necessary documents of the surveys.
Sketches, maps, and reports of legal descriptions are important. Prior to any construction, surveyors are required to prepare and maintain all documents in order to certify and assume liability for work performed.
Ensure accuracy in data and calculations
Data accuracy is crucial in land surveying. Land surveys establish the foundation for everything else that comes later in the design and construction phases. If the calculations are inaccurate, it can lead to inconvenient delays and costly mistakes later.
Record results of surveys.
Regardless of the project type, in the meticulous world of engineering, land survey plays a critical role and technology is an integral component. Records of results are further analysed by land surveyors and town planners to guarantee efficiency and better mobility in the area.
Calculate the characteristics of the terrain
The heights, depths, relative positions, property lines, and other features of the land are necessary to create a contour map. This comes useful for engineers to find out the nature and characteristics of certain areas to identify suitable sites for every project.
Advise and guide the work of architects, town planners, etc
Consulting land surveyors are the very first individuals on any construction site. Their role in measuring and mapping the land will help architects and civil engineers to properly plan structures. With their advice, meticulous planning and design are carried out to ensure the buildings not only fit with the landscape but are safely constructed as well.
Research legal documents, survey records, and land titles to clarify information about property boundaries.
To avoid any encroachments and other legal repercussions that may arise, it is the duty of the land surveyor to research on the legal requirements and policies.
Determine the longitudes and latitudes of unique land features
The role of land surveyors does not end by simply measuring and marking the boundaries of a given site. Through determining specific coordinates in the survey areas, the property developer or owner will have a deeper perspective on how to plan and design the project to suit the natural environment. Most land surveyors use theodolites, transits, levels, and satellite-based global positioning systems (GPS) to determine the longitudes and latitudes.
Land Surveyors Across Industries
Are you wondering why you will need help from such professionals? You may be surprised to find out that other than property developments, land surveys are also essential in accomplishing and resolving different problems across different industries.
These are some of the areas a land surveyor can help you in:
Property Boundary Surveys
Property boundary survey involves fieldwork on identifying and verifying property boundaries. Consulting land surveyors can assist in redefining and marking boundaries for urban and rural lands, amending title deeds, application to amend title and subdivisions.
Land Subdivision and Planning
The construction industry often requires a land surveyor to carry out critical functions on land that they intend to use. Depending on the nature of the construction project, the suitability of the land may need to be determined. They can conduct feasibility studies and project management to establish design improvements and developments before construction begins.
Court Representation in Land Litigation
Licensed surveyors provide expert witness services relating to land boundary definition and subdivision and property encroachments.
Geographic Information Systems
Information is essential in creating spaces that are carefully designed. A well-planned space is one that take into account the topography and zone. Land surveyors assess and store data like land ownership, land valuation, land usage, topography, and other services to help improve planning with sufficient pool of information.
How much does land surveying cost?
The costs for land surveying vary per project. These can approximately range from hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars depending on the scope of works required.
When calculating the total surveying costs, several factors must be considered including:
Location: The area where the property is located directly affects the price. You may be charged a higher rate if there are plenty of trees present or if the property is not easily accessible to vehicles.
Plot size: Most consulting land surveyors charge per acre. The larger the property, the more your survey will likely cost.
Property Terrain: When your property is harder to access and survey, surveyors will often charge a premium on the service
Need an experienced consulting land surveyor?
JDA Consultants has decades of industry experience providing a range of town planning and urban design services to clients throughout Queensland. Our clients can attest to our commitment to exceed expectations and to provide cost-effective solutions for all your needs.
If you need expert land surveyors and town planners in Queensland, call JDA Consultants today.
Reach us at (07) 3252-3777 email us at jdass@jdaconsultants.com.au. Head straight to 50 Prospect Street, Fortitude Valley. We’re available from Mondays through Fridays, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.